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New Year, New Start

Welcome and welcome back!  Yes, indeed, I’ve allowed months to go by since I last wrote a blog post, but with all good intentions (note the avoidance of the word “resolution”), I am hoping to resurrect this blog in the new year.

There are stories to share of WorksByABC from 2019 and hopes and plans for the beginning of 2020.

So much of my current stitching from the past bit of time is “secret stitching,” meaning I’m not ready to share yet, but soon, I promise.  I want to share, frankly.  I want to be stitching on things that I can post and chat about as they are in progress.  A topic for an entire blog post, for sure.

For this moment, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and hopes for much joy, love, and peace in 2020!

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