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  • worksbyabc

Needlework Expo Reveal – Evolution

Today I’m sharing the third of my five Needlework Expo releases. You can see and read about Renaissance Band Sampler here and Rosebud Lace here.

I present to you today Evolution:

My designing interests go in a number directions and one of them is geometrically inspired patterns. This is one such one. To be specific, this design comes from my experiences in learning about Islamic design – now there’s a whole side topic that I should share with you some day.

What began as a fairly common motif in the islamic design world – the 8 petal star-like “flower” – evolved into an exploration in shape and color. What if the motifs evolved into completion? What if the colors got richer and deeper the more complete that evolution became? Here is the result of that playing around.

The principles of colors used here are simple. There are four color families of DMC – blue, green, purple, and rose. For each of those colors, I needed three shades – a dark, a medium, and a light. I was then able to expand the shades to be a total of five by combining strands. In order from lightest to darkest: two strands of light; one strand light and one strand medium; two strands medium; one strand medium and one strand dark; and finally, two strands dark.

I love the overall effect.

More reveals coming!

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