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Finally Framed!

I’m currently in the process of finishing all of my Needlework Expo releases – i.e. everything is done except for the pieces at the framer’s, which I am hoping to pick up soon. While I was assembling these pieces that have been worked on for the last few months, I decided it was time to revisit a previous finish that had languished in the finished-but-not-fully-finish pile.

This is Pomegranate Lace in Blackwork. The pattern was released some time back…a year ago?…and is available in my Etsy store, as a paper copy or as a pdf. I loved stitching on it and had hoped to finish it using a hoop and frame method that I found on Etsy some time back. Unfortunately, I really needed a 12″ hoop and the largest that existed for that frame design was either 11″ or 10″. I know I had done some googling at the time and found some possibilities, but truly didn’t act on it. Until a couple of weeks ago.

There are not that many 12″ circular frames out there, in comparison to some smaller circles. I found this one on Amazon and it worked perfectly. On the left and right, I did not have much fabric margin – only about 1 1/2 inches on each side. I was able to lace the back decently enough, however, even with those small margins, and the finished piece came out perfect.

In addition to this version in blackwork, I also have this pattern in a cross stitch version, again both in paper and pdf.

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